July 15, 2011

Letters to the Editor

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We must allow the Eucharist to transform our minds and hearts

In Christ Jesus, believers possess a power by the Holy Spirit that few seem to realize. We tend to live a rather shallow religion that lacks a spiritual depth.

“Deep calls unto deep!” (Ps 42:7). Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims throughout the world seek the life of “that, than which nothing greater can be conceived,” which we Christians profess to have.

I thought it interesting that Mahatma Gandhi said he might be a Christian if he ever met one. He is quoted as saying, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

He further said, “If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today.” A rather sad commentary, don’t you think, and not without some merit.

We often think of religion as that which draws us into rules, legalism and bondage—lots of do’s and don’t. The etymology of religion is to “tie back”—to God.

In Catholic doctrine, there exists an order or “hierarchy” of truths since they vary in their relation to the foundation of the Christian faith. There is an organic connection between our spiritual life and the dogmas. Mere spirituality without sound doctrine will attach itself to anything lurking in the neighborhood, which is usually the “ego.”

Pope Benedict XVI stated that the Eucharist is the antidote to the many evils in the world. The Eucharist is the antidote if we, who receive the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, allow the Body and Blood of Jesus to transform our hearts and minds. Our nature must cooperate with his grace.

We Christians must be the change we wish to see in the world. Transforming union with God is radical change; real change we can believe in. We must emulate what we celebrate.

- Kirth N. Roach, Order of Carmelite Discalced Secular, Indianapolis


Youth Catechism a great resource of faith for our young people

Indiana’s close to 1.3 million Catholic Christians now have a tool that would have been unthinkable even 10 years ago.

This tool represents a pleasant and compassionate counterattack on a trend of declining numbers of all faith traditions, particularly among all of our young people.

Years in development with the help of young people, the new Youth Catechism lifts the study of our faith to a level which is appealing to our young people.

Reviewing this new catechism, one easily recognizes that it resonates with the early teenager to the late 20-somethings.

It’s cute. It’s hip. It’s cool. It’s reverent. It inspires. It begs “read me.” It passes on the faith.

Now available from Ignatius Press and Amazon, it’s a bulwark against boredom and apathy, a bright light shining on a dark world.

Pope Benedict XVI penned the forward.

- Dave Burns, Richmond


Is our nation paying a price for its deteriorating integrity and morals?

President Abraham Lincoln, in the spring of 1863, made this proclamation: “We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has grown. But we have forgotten God. … It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our national sins.”

He then followed up on his proclamation by designating a day, April 30, 1863, as a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer “that the united cry of the nation would be heard on high.”

Our nation has certainly parted with the ways of President Lincoln. Can you imagine the outcry of the ACLU and others if the present or any future president would issue such a proclamation?

We cannot not only have such a day of prayer, we cannot even have a moment of prayer in a public school graduation or some similar occasion without a protest of some kind or other.

I think our nation may be paying the price in a breakdown or deterioration of the integrity and morals in our country.

- W.L. O’Bryan, New Albany


Why don’t all teenagers and men wear their best clothes to meet Jesus at Mass?

People wear their best clothes to a wedding to honor the bride and groom and to a funeral to honor the family of the deceased and would never dream of attending there in shorts.

But to meet Jesus at Mass, teenagers and men feel that it is acceptable to wear shorts in church.

I’d like to hear of their reasoning for this.

- Dorothy Riley, Indianapolis

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