July 22, 2011

Events Calendar

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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats


The Coming Week

July 22-23

St. Anthony of Padua Parish, 316 N. Sherwood Ave., Clarksville. Parish picnic, Fri. 5 p.m.-midnight, Sat. 2 p.m.-midnight, chicken dinner, Sat., food, entertainment. Information: 812-282-2290.

St. Susanna Parish, 1210 E. Main St., Plainfield. Parish festival, Fri. 6 p.m.-11 p.m., Sat. 4:30 p.m.-midnight, food, games, music. Information: 317-839-3333.

July 23

Presentation Academy, Arts and Athletic Center, 900 S. Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Day of reflection for all alumnae, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., $25 per person includes box lunch. Information: 502-583-5935, ext. 105 or ppeachey@presentationacademy.org.

July 24

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Parish, 7225 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis. Knights of Columbus Council 13105 and the Youth Group, chicken dinner and car show, dinner $8 adults, $5 children with a family cap of $30, noon-4 p.m. Information: 317-357-1200.

Queen and Divine Mercy Center, Rexville, located on 925 South, .8 mile east of 421 South and 12 miles south of Versailles. Mass, 9:30 a.m., on third Sunday holy hour and pitch-in, Father Elmer Burwinkel, celebrant, daily Mass, 9 a.m. Information: 812-689-3551.

July 24-30

Jackson County Fairgrounds, Seymour. St. Ambrose Parish and Our Lady of Providence Parish, Jackson County Fair, food booth, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Information: 812-522-5304.

July 27

Sahm’s Tavern and Café, 423 N. Capital Ave., Indianapolis. Theology on Tap series, “The Call to Serve: If you want Peace, work for Justice,” Jeanne Hidalgo, presenter, 7 p.m. Information: www.indytot.com or indytheologyontap@gmail.com

July 28

Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Catholics United for the Faith, Abba, Father Chapter meeting, 6:30-8 p.m. Information: 317-236-1569, 800-382-9836, ext. 1569, or parthur@archindy.org.

St. Bartholomew Church, 1306 27th St., Columbus. Healing Mass, Father Clem Davis, presider, 7 p.m. Information: 812-379-9353.

July 30-31

St. Martin Parish, 8044 Yorkridge Road, Yorkville. Parish festival, Sat. 4:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., pulled pork dinner, Sun. 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m., fried chicken dinner, food, games, music. Information: 812-623-3408.

July 31

St. Augustine Parish, 18020 Lafayette St., Leopold. Parish picnic, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., chicken dinner, quilts, games. Information: 812-843-5143.

August 2-September 6

St. Barnabas House of Joseph, 523 Fabyan Road, Indianapolis. Office for Family Ministries, Divorce and Beyond program, six-week session, 7-9 p.m., $30 per person includes book. Information: 317-236-1586 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1586 or dvanvelse@archindy.org.

August 3

Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, Catholic, educational, charitable and social singles, 50 and over, single, separated, widowed or divorced, new members welcome, 6:30 p.m. Information: 317-370-1189.

August 5

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 1530 Union St., Indianapolis. Lumen Dei Mass, 6:30 a.m., breakfast following Mass at Sisters Place, 215 Terrace Ave., Indianapolis. Information: 317-435-3447 or e-mail macmac961@comcast.net.

August 5-6

St. Joseph Parish, 2605 St. Joe Road W., Sellersburg. Parish yard sale, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Information: 812-246-2512.

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 523 S. Merrill St., Fortville. Parish festival, 11 a.m.-10 p.m., games, food, entertainment, silent auction, chicken and noodles dinner. Information: 317-485-5102.

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General Announcements

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Retreats and Programs

July 22-23

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Leadership Blast!” for students entering the sophomore year of high school, $50 per student includes room, board, materials and cookout. Information: 317-788-7581 or www.benedictinn.org.

July 22-24

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Of Signs and Symbols–The Sacraments of the Church,” Benedictine Father Vincent Tobin, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

August 1-5

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Bringing to Life the Word of God in Song,” session one, Benedictine Father Columba Kelly, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

August 8-12

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Franciscan Preached Retreat–Becoming a Dangerous Memory of the Gospel in the 21st Century,” Franciscan Sister Norma Rocklage, presenter, $95 per day. Information: 812-933-6437 or center@oldenburgosf.com.

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Bringing to Life the Word of God in Song,” session two, Benedictine Father Columba Kelly, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

August 10-31

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “A Thomas Merton Seminar: Bridges to Contemplative Living–Living Your Deepest Desires,” Vol. 3, four-session workshop, Benedictine Sister Julie Sewell, presenter, Mass, 5:15 p.m., simple supper, 6 p.m., session 6:30-9 p.m., $85.95 per person includes book and simple supper. Information: 317-788-7581 or www.benedictinn.org.

August 14

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. “Pre Cana Program,” 1:30-6 p.m. Information: 317-545-7681, ext. 15, or cmcsweeney@archindy.org.

August 16

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Catholic Identity and Doctrine–The B and b of Baptism,” session one, Mary Lynn Cavanaugh, presenter, 6:30-9 p.m., $25 per person. Information: 317-788-7581 or www.benedictinn.org.

August 19-21

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Reflections on the Miracles Stories of the Gospels,” Benedictine Father Eugene Hensell, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

August 23-25

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “By the Finger of God–The Miracles of Jesus,” midweek retreat, Benedictine Father Vincent Tobin, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

August 26-28

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Simplicity Retreat Revised–A Way of Life,” Benedictine Father Noël Mueller, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

September 2-4

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Pray Your Way to Happiness,” Benedictine Brother Maurus Zoeller, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

September 7-28

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “A Thomas Merton Seminar: Bridges to Contemplative Living–Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love,” Vol. 4, four-session workshop, Benedictine Sister Julie Sewell, presenter, Mass, 5:15 p.m., simple supper, 6 p.m., session 6:30-9 p.m., $85.95 per person includes book and simple supper. Information: 317-788-7581 or www.benedictinn.org.

September 9-11

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “What Did Jesus Know about Eucharist?” Benedictine Father Jeremy King, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

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