March 15, 2019

Letters to the Editor

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Cross-shaped markers are honorable, intend no religious bias, reader says

I read the article published from Catholic News Service’s Washington bureau in the March 8 issue of The Criterion about  a 40-foot cross‑shaped World War I memorial in Bladensburg, Md., that is being argued as to whether it endorses religion or is just a secular memorial.

According to the article, “Justices took in both sides in the hour and a half of arguments where they paid particular attention to whether or not the monument was endorsing or proselytizing religion.”

In 2018, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia ruled 2-1 that the 40-foot monument is unconstitutional and must be removed or destroyed because it has the “primary effect of endorsing religion and excessively entangles the government in religion.”

I submit this letter to provide my opinion to the time, effort, energy and funding given to reverse and prohibit the memorial from being displayed on public property. I could say to those opposing this suit: “Get a grip!” But I won’t be so glib.

What I feel is the fact that honoring local soldiers who died in World War I with cross-shaped markers in Europe used for American soldiers who died there is honorable and intends no bias to those not connected with Christians. In short, let us deal with issues that bring us together and not cases that in no way were meant to divide the population.

We have too many things in life to resolve. Let’s get on with it.

- Bob Desautels | Indianapolis

Seminary rector’s reflection on clergy sex abuse crisis is much appreciated

Father Joseph Moriarty was our sacramental minister at Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Parish in Paoli for some years. I thought he was a great priest. I had lost track of him and was delighted to see his reflection in the March 1 issue of The Criterion and that he is rector of Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis.

I know this clergy sex abuse is quite an issue now and should be stopped. It is good to see Pope Francis working on it as well. I am always concerned that some innocent priests will be accused and assumed guilty. How can this be avoided?

I think the statistics will show non‑Catholic churches have the same problem.

- Clarence Krebs | Paoli

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