March 17, 2023

My Journey to God

Adoration Chapel, a Place

It’s a place I feel calm,
that’s designated for You and me.
I am comforted by Your peace,
in a place that’s chaos free.

Blessed to be here with You,
feeling the embrace of Your presence.
Safe to be my true self,
unguarded, honest, and with no pretense.

I know You’re pleased I’m here.
I sense Your nearness to me.
Quietly praying or sharing my thoughts,
You open my eyes to see.

I often reach out to others,
trying to encourage them to come.
Sharing personal experiences of my visits,
hoping it’ll make a difference to some.

Spending time in the Adoration Chapel,
is a special place for me.
A place to be with You.
A place I choose to be.

By Stephanie J. Jackson

(Stephanie J. Jackson is a member of St. Vincent DePaul Parish in Bedford.)

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