June 16, 2023

My Journey to God

God Made It

The wonders of creation God gives us for free
All the beautiful flowers and tall graceful trees
Creatures on Earth, in the water and in the air
A lush rainforest and an arid desert that’s bare
The blue sky with floating white wispy clouds
The melodies of the birds chirping sweet songs
The rain from the sky keeping everything alive
Snow-capped mountains rising high into the sky
The innocence of a precious newborn baby’s face
The uniqueness of people of every culture and race
How did the universe and these life forms happen?
How could all of these things possibly be random?
Every kind of life, the universe and everything in it
Were made by our God whose power is unlimited
God, the Almighty, is the architect of all of creation
He wants us to share in the beauty of his celebration

By John DeSantis

(John DeSantis is a member of St. Pius X Parish in Indianapolis.)

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