Jenkins, Rev. Aaron M., MA, MDiv

Jenkins, Rev. Aaron M., BA, MDivSt. Michael, 519 Jefferson Blvd., Greenfield, IN 46140

Birthdate: February 5

Ordination: June 7, 2008

Current Assignment: 2022, pastor, St. Michael, Greenfield, and St. Thomas the Apostle, Fortville; 2023, archdiocesan chaplain, Catholic Committee for Scouting for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Ministry History: 2008, associate pastor, Holy Name of Jesus, Beech Grove, and chaplain, Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School; 2009, chaplain, Indianapolis Fire Department, while continuing as associate pastor, Holy Name of Jesus, Beech Grove and chaplain, Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School; 2009, associate director of vocations, while continuing as chaplain, Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School, and the Indianapolis Fire Department; 2010, sacramental minister, St. Maurice, Napoleon, Immaculate Conception, Milhousen, and St. Denis, Jennings County, while continuing as associate director of vocations, chaplain of Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School, Indianapolis, and the Indianapolis Fire Department; 2011, administrator, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Bright; 2012, pastor, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Bright; 2015, pastor, St. Michael, Greenfield and chaplain coordinator, Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School; 2021, reappointed pastor, St. Michael, Greenfield.

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